Posts in category: Video/Talk

TED Talk. Ze Frank: Are you human?


Just in case you are not sure to be a human being at all: Ze Frank helps you to find out. During his entertaining – and thought-provoking! – talk, a few simple questions thrown at the audience triggered the interaction sought by the speaker. Ze Frank (= Hosea Jan Frank) is an American online performance artist, web toy inventor, composer, humorist and public speaker. In 2001, he rose to fame when he created an online birthday invitation and forwarded it to seventeen of his closest friends. “How to dance properly” was disseminated vividly and the invitation generated millions of hits and over 100 gigabytes of daily traffic to Frank’s personal website. Ever since this video became viral, Ze Frank has made people giggle. And guffaw. And laugh out loud. Frank was born to German-American parents. Hence the „Ze“.

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A creative solution: a red stretch Trabi in Berlin.

TED Talk. Elizabeth Gilbert: Success, failure and the drive to keep creating


Shaking off old burdens

Breaking free from the stereotypes reigning a life in a stalemate requires a vast amount of courage. Whatever is out of balance, is often easier endured in a state of paralysis. Elizabeth Gilbert – the writer – went for the first option and travelled the world for an entire year to escape from a life that wasn’t hers any longer. In Italy, she indulged in good food and fully enjoyed „la dolce vita“, found her spirituality in India and a new love in Bali. Her memoir „Eat, Pray, Love“ remained on the NY Times Best Seller list for sensational 187 weeks; Julia Roberts starred in the book’s film version. Elizabeth Gilbert delivers a brilliant talk, eloquently describing how she tackled the effects of failure – and of success! The two are not as easily distinguished „by the hinterland of our psyche“ as one might think, she says. Her urgent message is: never give up on your creativity!

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Window cleaners on Burj Khalifa - the epitome of the emirate's economic success.

Dubai Video: HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s life Journey


“I do not know if I am a good leader, but I am a leader. And I have a vision. I look to the future, 20, 30 years. I learned that from my father, Sheikh Rashid. He was the true father of Dubai. I follow his example. He would rise early and go alone to watch what was happening on each of his projects.   I do the same. I watch. I read faces. I take decisions and I move fast; full throttle.”

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Sign "closed": Don't close up! Dare to disagree instead!

TED Talk. Margaret Heffernan: Dare to disagree!


Are we all hopeless ignorants? Or pitiable cowards – heads in sand? Why is it, that we are readily looking for others to prevent distaster from striking? Why are we so frequently shying away from making unfavourable decisions and why do we not speak our minds in all those meetings or seminars we attend on a regular basis? Most people instinctively avoid conflict, says Margaret Heffernan and demonstrates in this talk, that a good disagreement is vital to progress. The best partners aren’t those who echo an opinion in a stereotype way. Quite on the contrary! Great research teams, relationships and businesses allow people to fundamentally disagree.

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