Posts by Christina Feyerke

New York City: Opening party of the Duggal Greenhouse

New York City: The Duggal Greenhouse


A number of nations of the civilised world are giving environmental issues top priority and have thus succeeded in reducing toxic emission and hazardous by-products, in trying to minimise waste in all areas and in saving rapidly dwindling resources. Albeit: It does not take a government to get the individual stone rolling. There are copy-worthy examples of farsighted doers who make the global climate challenge their own – hoping their commitment might be contagious. This is one:

The venue-turned Brooklyn Navy Yard building could easily claim celebrity status solely for its enviable setting and views. And even if just another desolate structure had merely been transformed from its sorry former state into a reusable, intelligently functional and highly modern company seat cum event location: the Duggal Greenhouse would shine brightly among the array of doomed premises successfully rescued from terminal decay. Yet, what renders the edifice truly unique is that the „green“ in front of the „house“ exceeds by far what the name would usually imply and that for once, the term „greenhouse effect“ offers a positive connotation.

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TED Talk. Glenn Greenwald: Why your privacy matters


None of us has anything to hide. We are righteous, hard-working citizens with no criminal relatives in our history. We pay our taxes, don’t drink and drive, abstain from drug abuse, raise our kids well, indulge in the odd harmless outing or occasional holiday, meet some friends once in a while and have to make ends meet on the basis of a regular but mediocre income. This is mostly it. Nothing exciting, really. Then why would we have to be overly protective of our personal sphere online? And even if our privacy had been invaded severely, how could we possibly be harmed?

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Coal miners working at the Zeche Zollverein in Germany.

Germany. Zeche Zollverein: Diamonds are Forever


Events above the pit-web

The actual pit may have been shut down decades ago, but the lifeblood of Zeche Zollverein, one of Europe’s largest industrial monuments, is pulsating powerfully through its veins to this day. Bestowing upon it a new purpose by turning its extraordinary properties into an event location seemed a brilliant idea, whereby the challenge lies in simultaneously complying with the constraints a recognised UNESCO world heritage site has to bow to. The venue shakes up an impressive cocktail of modern industrial architecture corroborated by the moving history of a legendary colliery – and has rightly become a much-regarded landmark – and a meaningful symbol for the Ruhrgebiet region. Zeche Zollverein is the indisputable epitome of coal mining activities in Germany.

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The Cliffs of Moher - Ireland's most spectacular scenery

Virtual excursions in Ireland


Forty Shades of Green on Google Street View

Not only the number of meeting variants is constantly growing, their degree of creativity increases as well. Ranging from the regular office get-together to the classical congress, popular in-between solutions like BarCamps, Open Spaces, casual World Cafés, Brownbag Sessions and whatnot, have been sprouting in mushroom-like fashion, only to be accompanied – or replaced – by the next unconventional novelty at the wink of an eye. But what if there isn’t time for an exchange face-to-face and/or the cost for it is unwarranted? In that case, one might want to opt for a virtual meeting instead. And, for the sake of the concept’s purity: Why not enhance it with a stressless, equally virtual „fringe programme“? An „excursion“ to the Cliffs of Moher on Ireland’s west coast could be a rewarding experience.

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A jumble of cables: Frankfurt is the world's largest internet exchange point.

Internet Exchange Point Frankfurt


A gigantic digital hub

In fact, Frankfurt is the world’s largest Internet exchange node with more than 3.2 terabits per second peak traffic; the leading Internet exchange for Central and Eastern Europe; has the world’s largest and most advanced Ethernet-based platform, DE-CIX Apollon – delivering high-availability peering with full 100G Ethernet capabilities, about 600 participants at the peering platform and more than 10 terabits of connected customer capacity (Public Peering) …
You are not an IT expert and all of this is absolutely Greek to you? Well, welcome to the club!

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