Redheads are redheads because of their ginger gene – „a series of mutations in the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), a gene located on chromosome 16“. Now we know! Familiar characteristics common in redheads are lighter eye colours, fair skin with lots of freckles, a hightened sensitivity to ultraviolet rays and risk of skin cancer. Red hair accounts for only 0.6% of the global population and is the rarest of hair colours. At 10%, Ireland has the second highest per capita redhead-rate (after Scotland). Born in the wrong age of time, predominantly females endowed with a mass of threateningly red hair were destined to be burned at the stake, because – ooooheee – they harboured mysterious magical powers and rode on broomsticks fuelled by witchcraft. Fortunately the attitude towards enigmatic powers has changed drastically. Today, they are rather considered an asset than a curse and even for a redhead, longevity has become a realistic possibility.
Aruba: Bon bini, happiness!
If the common quest for happiness isn’t a reason to meet, what is? On September 13th and 14th, 2016 – two weeks prior to the World Tourism Day – the Caribbean Island of Aruba will host the „Happiness 360 Conference World Tourism Aruba“ in collaboration with the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
Swingin’ in London: Crazy Golf by the foot of the Gherkin
Many a mini golf course has popped up in Britain over the recent past: in the countryside, in themed parks or on lost islands, on rooftops, in junkyards or – like this one – in a former WWII bunker building situated on one of London’s poshest locations. The two 9-hole courses available are named after the one significant characteristic they each feature: a picturesque windmill with moving blades and a welcomingly illuminated Lighthouse.
TED Talk. Julia Galef: Why you think you’re right – even if you’re wrong
„Unconsciously, our judgement is strongly influenced by which side we want to win. We can think we’re being objective and fair-minded and still wind up ruining the life of an innocent man.“ Julias talk revolves around the example of Alfred Dreyfus who – in 19th-century France – was convicted of a crime he didn’t commit. Why? Because everybody wanted him to be the culprit and existing evidence was interpreted against his favour without further investigation.
Typically German?
What Germans travelling resent about travelling Germans
The good thing is, that the survey we’re talking about was conducted amongst Germans only – 2033 of them. As is known, we are pretty adamant when it comes to judging anybody’s demeanour: sugar-coating our opinion is commonly not one of our inborn traits. The findings may well contain more than a kernel of truth and – what a relief! – the data produced will not rest on a grudge possibly harboured by random foreign nations for whatever reason. So, this is probably as unbiased as it gets. The travel search engine‘s survey is deemed representative amongst Germans from 18 onwards. It revealed that Germans abroad are too noisy, too stingy, too arrogant and often oh so embarrassing!