Topic: Global

Dingle Harbour in Ireland. Ireland is the country doing the most for the rest of the world.

TED Talk. Which country does the most good for the world?


Good, gooder, goodest: Thinking AND acting globally!

Just forget about the grammar! This time, it’s not good, better, best! At least not when it comes to evaluating the countries doing the most good to the rest of the world. Meaning: Instead of selfishly minding their own business in an islandish manner, they largely act in an altruistic way. Governments must start thinking telescopic instead of microscopic, says speaker Simon Anholt.
As a side effect of globalisation, problems once local—like greedy banks lending out too much money or Chinese chicken sneezing 10,000 miles away — today have worldwide consequences. Nevertheless, nations still operate as if alone on the planet. Policy advisor Simon Anholt assists governments in earning better reputations by helping them change their demeanour and has concocted a refined scale to measure each candidate’s individual performance: The Good Country Index

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Parts of a clockwork: Bad time management costs companies millions.

Time Management: If you could turn back time?


Well, too bad, you can’t! Lost time is time lost for good. If you belong to the common species of executives who – unreflectively ? – spend hours per day meeting or perusing email, you will be aghast when confronted with the vast amount of time such activities eventually add up to: one day for managing your flood of communications, two for attending countless meetings. Makes three valuable days. Disconcerting, isn’t it? Irretrievable resources gone with the wind … This new Bain & Company study demonstrates how lost time costs millions each year. Moreover, a list of best practices has been compiled to help fight the “Eight Deadly Sins” so readily committed in time management.

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A marshaller at Frankfurt Airport: Follow him!

Germany. Free 24h WIFI at Frankfurt Airport!


Maximum Ubiquity at Germany’s largest Airport

Fraport AG, the company managing Frankfurt Airport (FRA), expands its free Wi-Fi access from 60 minutes to 24 hours. This around-the-clock freebie is available immediately. With more than 300 Wi-Fi access points located in the terminals, utilising the free Wi-Fi service is pretty easy: Passengers and visitors simply have to log on via the “HotSpot” Internet portal of Deutsche Telekom. A few quick clicks enable them to check on their e-mails or search for information. Travellers facing a stopover lasting longer than 24 hours, are eligible for another full session of an identical length of time.

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A Quad bike seemingly watching and listeneing . Sometimes, objects strike us human.

TED Talk. Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen


Have you ever felt that nobody is paying any attention while you are trying to convey a message? In this entertaining talk, sound expert Julian Treasure shares the secrets of powerful speaking, sprinkled with useful vocal exercises and tips on how to spice one’s talks up by implementing different shades of empathy. Successful – and wise! – speakers render their audience prick-eared by never committing these “Seven deadly sins of speaking”: Gossip, judging, negativity, complaining, excuses, exaggeration and dogmatism.

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Return on Investment: Where is ROI?


Over the globe, there are myriads of events taking place every day: many by coincidence, others ad-hoc and most following meticulous planning and diligent risk-evaluating. Even in case of the latter, the effort made may not suffice. Has one significant module perhaps been neglected? By chance or by looking the other way? What again was this event’s objective? What, if a controller comes along and demands figures – as in ‘profit’ – which justify that ‘his’ budget was invested sensibly?

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