Posts by Christina Feyerke

A marshaller at Frankfurt Airport: Follow him!

Germany. Free 24h WIFI at Frankfurt Airport!


Maximum Ubiquity at Germany’s largest Airport

Fraport AG, the company managing Frankfurt Airport (FRA), expands its free Wi-Fi access from 60 minutes to 24 hours. This around-the-clock freebie is available immediately. With more than 300 Wi-Fi access points located in the terminals, utilising the free Wi-Fi service is pretty easy: Passengers and visitors simply have to log on via the “HotSpot” Internet portal of Deutsche Telekom. A few quick clicks enable them to check on their e-mails or search for information. Travellers facing a stopover lasting longer than 24 hours, are eligible for another full session of an identical length of time.

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A Quad bike seemingly watching and listeneing . Sometimes, objects strike us human.

TED Talk. Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen


Have you ever felt that nobody is paying any attention while you are trying to convey a message? In this entertaining talk, sound expert Julian Treasure shares the secrets of powerful speaking, sprinkled with useful vocal exercises and tips on how to spice one’s talks up by implementing different shades of empathy. Successful – and wise! – speakers render their audience prick-eared by never committing these “Seven deadly sins of speaking”: Gossip, judging, negativity, complaining, excuses, exaggeration and dogmatism.

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Return on Investment: Where is ROI?


Over the globe, there are myriads of events taking place every day: many by coincidence, others ad-hoc and most following meticulous planning and diligent risk-evaluating. Even in case of the latter, the effort made may not suffice. Has one significant module perhaps been neglected? By chance or by looking the other way? What again was this event’s objective? What, if a controller comes along and demands figures – as in ‘profit’ – which justify that ‘his’ budget was invested sensibly?

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A group of youngsters in the city: each with a different body language.

TED Talk. Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are


Body language (Kinesics) is a remarkable means of communication that tells our environment a great deal about ourselves. But how to interpret the signs of this nonverbal behaviour? Arms or legs are crossed, backs hunched or extremities sprawled, hands rest upon hips, hair is twirled around fingers or clothes are being preened (imaginary lint brushed off) awkwardly. What do those signals and postures, that largely depend on an individual’s emotional state, express? Or give away…? In her talk, social psychologist Amy Cuddy explains the implications of power posing – how standing in a posture of confidence, even when we are feeling small – can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain. Body language not only affects other people’s perceptions about us. It may even influence our body chemistry and change our own view upon ourselves. Amy Cuddy’s Talk was viewed by more than 18 million people.

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A sheepishly-looking Barack Obama at the Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague 2014

Holland. The Hague: The Nuclear Security Summit 2014


Dutch as Dutch can.

Citizens identifying with a Summit

Influential world leaders and thousands of delegation members convened at the city’s World Forum to attend the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS 2014) this March. The Hague, ranging in size behind Amsterdam and Rotterdam, is the official seat of the Crown and the government, recognised international city of peace and justice, home to hundreds of international organisations and multinationals and one of the world’s top three UN cities. The Hague’s Peace Palace stands for international justice. The magnitude of decisions taken and judgements delivered there are of universal significance for humanity. By skillfully orchestrating the Nuclear Security Summit, the city lived up to the reputation it enjoys as a hospitable, well-organised and safe convention destination. Charmingly schmoozing his hosts prior to the event, NSS initiator US President Barack Obama exclaimed: “I love Holland!“

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