Posts about Chocolate

Tempelhof Airport in Berlin is steeped in history and drama.

Berlin: Tempelhof Airport – a legend!


Tempelhof Airport was closed for public air traffic in October 2008. 85 years earlier, in October 1923, ‘the first commercial airport worldwide’ was inaugurated by the German Reich’s Ministry of Transport; the initial route operated to Koenigsberg (now Kaliningrad) in former East Prussia. The first plane of the newly founded “Deutsche Luft Hansa” had its maiden voyage from Berlin to Zurich in 1926 and even gigantic Zeppelins majestically raised from the vast Tempelhof airfield. By the 1930s, it had developed into Europe’s busiest airport – ranging ahead of Paris, Amsterdam and London. But Tempelhof is unforgotten for the dramatic role it was to play in post-war Germany.

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Chocolate: The Key to Happiness?


My, my. Could a connotation to a food product be more flattering and mollifying than the one attributed to chocolate? It is a scientifically corroborated happy-maker! Endorphins – hormones produced by the human brain – make you see the bright side of life even on a grey November day. Heaven knows what else is triggered by the miraculous components chocolate evidently contains. Speculations are manyfold. Hips and pouch? Rumour! Just succumb to the temptation! Chocolate also works wonders as an antidote, should a guilty conscience creep up after unbridled indulgence. It is a virtuous circle indeed. Chocolate, respectively the use of cocoa beans, looks back on a history of nearly 4000 years. It has been a long way from the heaven-sent bitter drink Maya and Aztec civilisations consumed, to the solid sweet treat of our day. The Chocolate Museum of Bruges in Belgium unravels die development of the mysterious substance and its long voyage from Central America to far-away Europe.

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Die Stadt Salzburg: barocke Bauwerke soweit das Auge blickt.

Salzburg: Elegant bis zünftig


Marlene Dietrichs Lederhose

Wenn Marlene Dietrich der Sinn nach neuer, maßgefertigter Garderobe aus langlebigen Materialien stand – vielleicht sogar nach einer gemütlichen Lederhose in butterweichem Gamsleder – marschierte sie göttinnengleich Richtung Residenzplatz zu Salzburgs ältester Gerberei mit Ladengeschäft: den Jahn-Markls. Dort wird seit 1408 Leder und -Kleidung hergestellt und verkauft. Die Wämser und Strümpfe früherer Zeiten wichen nach und nach feschen Kostümen oder unverwüstlichen Krachledernen in modischem Chic samt dekorativ besticktem Latzverschluss mit Hirschhornknöpfen.

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