Posts about Time Management

TED Talk. Jason Fried: Why work doesn’t happen at work


Where do people go when they really need to get something done? Answers are: the porch, the coffee shop, the library, the kitchen, or while commuting. For some, it doesn’t really matter where they are, as long as it’s early in the morning or late at night or on the weekends. „The office“ is hardly ever the response given. That fully complies with Jason Fried’s theory: that the office isn’t a very good place for productivity. In his opinion, the main disruptions at work are caused by M&M’s: managers and meetings. This video – watched by nearly four million viewers – was filmed five years ago. Yet, its content today is true more than ever!


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Parts of a clockwork: Bad time management costs companies millions.

Time Management: If you could turn back time?


Well, too bad, you can’t! Lost time is time lost for good. If you belong to the common species of executives who – unreflectively ? – spend hours per day meeting or perusing email, you will be aghast when confronted with the vast amount of time such activities eventually add up to: one day for managing your flood of communications, two for attending countless meetings. Makes three valuable days. Disconcerting, isn’t it? Irretrievable resources gone with the wind … This new Bain & Company study demonstrates how lost time costs millions each year. Moreover, a list of best practices has been compiled to help fight the “Eight Deadly Sins” so readily committed in time management.

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